- Gogoi, B., Saikia, A., Chauhan, H., Taye, C. D. & Saikia, S. 2025. Geochemical characterization of a possible siderite deposit in the Abor volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00531-025-02492-4
Kachari, D.M., Taye, C.D. & Chutia, A. 2024. Provenance and depositional setting of the Disang Group exposed in the north-easternmost part of Assam-Arakan Basin, India: insights from petrography and clay mineralogy. Journal of Sedimentary Environments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43217-024-00199-1
Saikia, R.R., Taye, C.D., Amin, N., Konwar, S., Panzeri, L., Galli, A. 2024. Chronological and Archaeometric Evaluation of Bricks from Archaeological Sites of Upper Assam, Northeast India: Estimation of the Firing Temperature and Civilization History. Applied Science 14, 6271. https://doi.org/10.3390/app14146271
Chutia, A., Kachari, D. M., & Taye, C. D., 2024. Petrography and Geochemistry of the Lower Sylhet Sandstone Member (Therria Sandstone) of Jaintia Group Exposed Along Jowai-Badarpur Road Section, Jaintia Hills District, Meghalaya: Implication for Provenance and Palaeoclimate. Journal of Geological Society of India, Vol-100 (5), 661-673, ISSN: 0016-7622, https://doi.org/10.17491/jgsi/2024/173889
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- Raktim Ranjan Saikia., and Kishor Goswami., 2023.Technology in Historical Study: Iron Culture and History of Assam, in book Atavika-A Dialouge Between Present and Past, Volume 2. Edited by P. k. Dandasena and Gitanjali Routa, Published by B. R. Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, ISBN- 9789391123185.
- Saikia, S, & Amin, N., 2023. Land use Land Cover Change Detection Analysis Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques - A Case Study of Flood Plain Region of Jorhat District of Assam, India. South India Journal of Social Sciences. Vol- XXI (5), 24-30, ISSN 0972-8945.
- Raktim Ranjan Saikia., 2023. ৰাজনৈতিক চিহ্নৰ পৰা উপাস্য দেৱতালৈ চোমদেউৰ পৰিক্ৰমা, ডঃ গিৰিন ফুকন সম্পাদিত “টাই ভাষা সাহিত্যৰ জিলিঙণি, DVS Publishers, H B Road, Panbazar, Guwahati-781001, ISBN-978-93-85839-80-1
- Kishor Goswami and Raktim Ranjan Saikia., 2022. The Making of Jorhat: Understanding the Patterns of Migraton and Settlement (2500 BC to 1947 AD), Journal of Politics, Vol. XXI, pp. 219-236.
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- Taye, C. D., 2021. The Rock Cumulates of Siang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India: Representing an Ophiolitic Signature. In. Rao, B.V. (Ed), “Recent Trends in Earth Science Research in North East India”, South eastern book agencies, Nagaland University, India, 204-228, ISBN: 978-93-89262-08-7.
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- Raktim Ranjan Saikia., 2021. Economics of Ancient Pragjyotish-Kamarupa (In Assamese), Aitihya, The Heritage, XII (1), pp.155-177.
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