Academic Infrastructure


The teaching learning facilities that constitute the backbone of an educational institute has been adequate in J.B. College. The College, in view of its vision and goal has been paying utmost attention to this area and serious efforts have been being employed to build such facilities to cater to the needs and requirement for a vibrant educational environment since its foundation in a phase manner. Considering the need for quality learning facilities, the college has been keen not only in augmenting physical facilities but a serious endeavour has been made to build a healthy learning environment. The teaching learning facilities in J.B. College range from physical facilities such as class room, laboratories including equipments, computer laboratories, ICT facilities, PCs, various teaching aids including the digital ones etc. to learning resources such as library facilities, internet and e-learning provision etc. A brief account of such physical and material facilities can be read as under: Total number of class room of various sizes for theory classes in the College is 52 and their area square feet. Total number of laboratories having latest instruments and apparatus in various departments is 26 and the area they cover is 17,253 square feet. In addition to these, the college has several computer laboratories, 1 GIS laboratory, 5 dark rooms, 1 thin film laboratory, 1 nano-science laboratory, 1 studio of digital film making.

 Department Practical room/laboratory Total area (in Sq. feet) Computer laboratory No. of Computers
 Biotechnology  3  1800 Sq. ft.  -  6
 Botany  3  3000 Sq. ft.  -  -
 Chemistry  6  2383 Sq. ft.  -  -
 Commerce  --  -  1  30 Pcs
 Computer Science  -  -  2  50 Pcs
 Electronics  1  302 Sq. ft.  -  -
 Geology  3  864 Sq. ft.  -  -
 Geography  1  510 Sq. ft.  1  8 Pcs
 Physics  6  5394 Sq. ft.  1  16 Pcs
 Zoology  3  3000 Sq. ft  -  -

There are internet and wi-fi facilities in this college. Teaching aids like smart board, digital board, still and moving camera and other ICT enabled aid, projector are used widely and regularly besides the conventional ones. Learning facilities for differently able such as braille software is provided. As a part of its attempt to build healthy environment, the college has been putting sincere effort to make the library a resource centre. There are 51,837 titles, 3,170 journals, 3100000 (approx) e-book and 6000 (approx) e- journals in the library which is in the process of total digitization in phase manner. The library also provides e-books and e-journals facilities. In consonance with the UGC guidelines, the college has designed its academic calendar to make a conducive academic environment. The college maintains 36 working weeks in an academic year which is slightly more than the UGC prescribed norm. The student teacher ratio in post-graduate PG level is 15:1 which is at per with UGC specification.          

Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Barpatra Ali, Jorhat-785001
Assam, India
Phone: +91 376 3510156
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