- Associate Professor

Department of Mathematics
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Research Interest:

Applied Mathematics

Fluid Mathematics
Professional Experience:

More than 20 years of teaching experience

Natural convection near a vertical plate in a porous medium with ramped wall temperature, Journal- International Journal of Mathematical Archive-2(7),July2011,page:1080-1086. ISSN 2229-5046. Publisher-on line journal . (www.ijma.info)

Chemical reaction on flow past an exponentially accelerated vertical plate with variable mass diffusion and plate temperature, Journal- Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 53, Issue2,April 2011, ISSN: 0972-0960

Chemical reaction effects on exponentially accelerated vertical plate with mass diffusion and variable plate temperature, Journal- Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics Volume 10, Issue 2 October-2011, Pages 157-169, ISSN: 0973-4686. ,publisher-Pushpa Publishing House

Radiation effects on free convection flow near a vertical plate with ramped wall temperature, Journal- Published vol.3 no.12 December- 2011,Engineering, 2011, vol-3, pages-1197-1206 ,publisher :Scientific Research ISSN :1947-3931.