M.A., Ph.D
Research Interest:
Women Issues
Rural Development

Professional Experience:
8 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor

The Determinants of Female Foeticide: The Unexplored Indian Scenario published in Rural Development in North East Region, Gandhain Study Centre, Gargaon College(ed.) K.J.Handique:2012, ISBN 97881-922338
Role of HUDCO in Financing Urban Infrastructure in India published in A Bi- lingual Annual Journal of the Human Rights Study Cell, Department of Political Science J.B.College(ed)Dr. Bolin Hazarika 2012 ISSN: 2231-1718
�Impact of Look East Policy on trade between India and Bangladesh with special reference to North East India� in Look East Policy and North East India 2013 ISBN No.987-93-8117-660-3