Dr. Puspanjali Hazarika, MA, M.Phil., Ph.D. UGC-NET(JRF)
Assistant Professor
Department of Assamese
J.B. College (Autonomous)
Jorhat, Assam
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Academic Qualification:
MA, M.Phil., Ph.D. UGC-NET(JRF)
Research Interest:
Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics,
Teaching Experience:
- Assistant Professor at J. B. College (Autonomous), Jorhat, from September 24, 2022, to the present.
Teaching Responsibilities:
- Teaching Assamese Major Course for BA (CBCS).
- Teaching PG classes in Assamese and guiding the PG dissertations of students.
- Teaching Major, Minor, and GE courses in Assamese (FYUGP).
Professional Responsibilities:
- Member, Publication Cell, J.B. College (Autonomous).
- Teacher In-charge, Debating Secretary, JBCSU-2023-24, J.B. College (Autonomous).
- Member, committee for Skill Enhancement Course, J.B. College (Autonomous).
- Coordinator, KC Kakati Memorial Debate Competition 2023 organised by JBCSU in collaboration with JBCTU. Etc.
Journal Articles:
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Bhasa Sankraman aru Ear Tattik Prasanga." Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, X, no. XXI, Oct. 2023, Dogo Rangsang Research Society, ISSN 2347-7180.
- Hazarika, Puspanlai. "Bhasa Mishranar Tattik Prasanga aru Assomiya Bhasat Bhasa Mishran." Assam College Teachers’ Association Journal, XLII, no. 2, Apr. 2023, Secretary ACTA, ISSN 2229-693X.
Book Chapters:
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Assomiya Sahityat Prantia aru Nimna Bargiya Samaj Jiwanar Pratifalan." Bishay Tatta aru Sahitya, edited by Karabi Dutta, Sikha Devi Nath, and Jyotismita Dutta, Jagaran Press, 2023, pp.142-149. ISBN 978-93-93342-50-8.
- Hazarika, Puspanjlai. "Assomiya Bhasar Bybaharr Prayog Khetra." Assomiya Bhasha Upabhasa aru Lipi, edited by Jyotirekha Hazarika and Kakali Chutia, Banalata, 2023, pp. 253-263. ISBN 978-93-5849-051-0.
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Bhasa Byabahr aru Parichoy." Identity Exploration: Dimension and Discourses, edited by Mallika A. Nayar and AFM Malik, SUNBEAM, 2023, pp. 295-301. ISBN 978-93-93092-35-9.
- Editor of Prabah: Bulletin of J.B. College (Autonomous), published by the Publication Cell, J.B. College (Autonomous).
- Editor of Naari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyom: Sambhabana aaru Partyahban (A Commemorative Volume of the All Assam KC Kakati Inter College/University Debating Competition - 2023), published by the Principal of J.B. College (Autonomous).
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Bhupen Hazarika r Geetat Bharatar Swadhinata Andolanar Pratiflan: ek Bislekhanatmak Adyan." Presented at ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Reflection of Freedom Movement in Assamese Literature, organized by Department of Assamese, DCB Girls College Jorhat, 22-23 Sept. 2023.
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Nandita Devi r Bongal Bahu Durt Pratifalita Prantiya Chetana." Presented at National Seminar on Social Cultural and Literary Context of NE India: Tradition and Challenges, organized by Department of Assamese, Dhubri Unit, Mahapurush Shrimanta Sankardev Viswavidyalaya, Nagon, 10-11 Apr. 2023.
- Hazarika, Puspanjali. "Geetali Borah r Upanyash t Pratifalita nari Charitra: Eti Bislekhnantmak Adhyan." Presented at ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Role of Women in Developing NE India in the Context of 21st Century, organized by Women Cell, DKD College, Dergaon, 6-7 Oct. 2023.
- Participated in the workshop "Issues and Challenges in Higher Education in the Context of NEP 2020," organized by the Teacher’s Unit in collaboration with IQAC of Ujani Majuli Kherkatia College, Majuli, on 13 June 2023.
- Participated in the Workshop on Augmentation of Skills for Multidisciplinary Research organized by the Women Cell in collaboration with the Research and Development Cell, J.B. College (Autonomous) on 19th January to 25th January 2024.
- Coordinated and participated in the Workshop on Contrastive Study of Hindi, Bengali, and Odia Languages, organized by the Department of Assamese, J.B. College (Autonomous), on 21st September 2023.
- Coordinated and participated in the Workshop on Cultural Studies organized by the Department of Assamese, J.B. College (Autonomous), on 12th September 2022.
Orientation/Refreshers/ FDP/ Short Term Course:
- Completed the 4-Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for "Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education" from 21 December 2022 to 19 January 2023, organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, under the aegis of the Ministry of Education, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Completed the Short-Term Course on NEP Orientation & Sensitization under the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of the University Grants Commission (UGC), organized by MMTTC, Tezpur University from 13/03/2024 to 22/03/2024.
- Completed the Online Interdisciplinary Refresher Course on Literature, Language, and Culture in the Digital Age under the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Programme (MM-TTP) of the University Grants Commission (UGC), organized by MMTTC, Tezpur University in association with the Department of Assamese, Tezpur University from 14/12/2023 to 28/12/2023.
- Completed the online Film Appreciation Course organized by Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Government Film and Television Institute from 19th May to 15th June 2023.