- Associate Professor & Head of the Department

Dr. Salim Ali Ahmed
Associate Professor
Department of Assamese
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Research Interest:
Cultural Studies
Film Studies
- Published nearly 15 Edited books and 3 Original books in Assamese.
- Published nearly 100 Research Papers and Articles in various Research Journals, Seminar Proceedings and Leading Journals of Assam.
- LIFE OF AN UNKOWN ASSAMESE, A Docu-feature on the life of Great Vaishnava Pandit Sonaram Chutia, Kaziranga Pictures, (50 Min/Colour), 2005
- LIGHT THAT NEVER FAILS, A Documentary on history of J.B.College, (150 Min/Colour), 2011
- Research Project:
- Completed UGC Minor Research Projects on Adaptation of Assamese Literature into Assamese Cinema (2012-14)