Geologist Day 2023

The Department of Geology, Jagannath Barooah College in association with Geological Forum have organised an interactive talk session to commemorate the Geologists Day on 3rd April, 2023. The two invited guests, Dr. Deepa Bora and Mr. Rajib Sarmah, former faculties of the Department, have graced the occasion.

Dr. Nurul Amin, Head of the Department, presided over the session and delivered the welcome address. Dr. Chaitra Dhar Taye, faculty member of the Department explains the significance of the day. He also requested the students to welcome and felicitate the dignitaries present in the dais. Chairperson invited Dr. Bora to deliver her lecture first followed by Mr. Sarmah.

Dr. Bora share her experience to encourage student to study subject well as there is a hard life outside of the campus waiting for them where high competition is expected in present job market. Dr. Sarmah explains the philosophy and significance of Geology in human life. How scaling time, understanding different dimensions, interrelated and continuous evolution and assessment of geotechnical approach in geohazard environment, have their big role in human life. Even all students might not continue as geologist but geological mind always help in life building processes.

Dr. Amin thanked both speakers and emphasised the significance of their presentations. In addition, he suggests that we celebrate the day even more enthusiastically the following year in his concluding remarks. Everyone should step forward to participate and come together to celebrate geology in a non-materialistic manner. Additionally, he encouraged the students to share the enthusiasm and importance of the subject with some of their friends and family members. To express our appreciation for all the institute's stakeholders and faculties for organising the day, Mr. Sorat Konwar delivered the vote of thanks. He specifically thanked Dr. Taye for taking the initiative to organise the day. Additionally, he expressed his sincere gratitude to the Head of the Department and all distinguished guests for attending the event. Last but not least, he thanked every student present in the program for their attentive listening and active participation.

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News Geol Day

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