1st One Day International Interaction Session on Recent Advances in Research Methodology and Studies in Earth Sciences and their applicability in NE India (RARMSES-NE INDIA 1.0)

The 1st Recent Advances in Research Methodology and Studies in Earth Sciences and their applicability in NE India was organized by the Department of Geology and Geological Forum of Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous) on 14th December, 2022. It was a One Day International Interaction Session where Three US based professors had graced the occasion as resource persons. They are Dr. Paul M. Betka of College of Science, George Mason University; Dr. Karl A. Lang, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology & Dr. Ryan Sincavage, Artis College of Science and Technology, Radford University. This session was attended by 75 applicants from 15 different institutions around the country through hybrid mode.

Dr. Nurul Amin, Head of the Department of Geology, welcomed the guests and conveyed gratitude for their presence. Dr. Chaitra Dhar Taye, Faculty of the Department explained the importance and theme of this series of talks. The session was started with the talk entitled “Fundamentals and new directions for Fission-track dating: with its application in Geological research” by Dr. Lang. This was followed by Dr. Betka’s talk on the topic “Active Tectonics of the Indo-Burman Forearc, a revised perspective from new Structural and Geodetic Modelling”. His Master’s student Alexander Addison Grey also shared his current research on Naga Hills. The final talk of the day was “Dynamics of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta across spatial and temporal scales” by Dr. Sincavage. All these talks were followed by interaction with the students and faculties.

Dr. Amin thanked all the guests for their talks and gave the concluding remarks. Dr. Raghupratim Rakshit, faculty of the department, provided the vote of thanks. He showed the gratitude to the all guests, faculties and students for the support for successful completing of the event. The event was concluded with a Bihu performance by the students of the department.

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Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Barpatra Ali, Jorhat-785001
Assam, India
Phone: +91 376 3510156
Email:  jbcollege@rediffmail.com
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