Vision & Mission


The aim of this department is to produce competent human resources who would be beneficial to the society. To achieve this it tries to disseminate knowledge about philosophical geniuses of the past like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle etc. of the west and Buddha, Mahavira, Sankaracharyya, Sankardeva, Sri Chaitanya etc. of India making them acquainted with the development of Philosophy up to the present thinkers in both Indian and western perspectives. It tries to inculcate moral values in the students as well as making them aware of the socio-political and religious scenario in the past and  present contexts. It tries to make the outlook of the students wider and comprehensive towards the world with an enhanced ability to analyse situations in a rational attitude.

Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Barpatra Ali, Jorhat-785001
Assam, India
Phone: +91 376 3510156
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