- Associate Professor & Head of the Department

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Name:Nibedita Bezboruah
Designation:HoD, Philosophy ( UG & PG)
Department: Philosophy
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Jorhat 785001, Assam, India
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Education/ Academic qualification (latest first)
- Details of Master’s: 1st class 2nd position ,Gauhati University in the year 1992
- Details of Bachelor’s Degree: 1st class 1st position in Philosophy honours , Dibrugarh University in the year 1988.
- P.U : passed from JB college securing 4th rank in the year 1985
Professional/Teaching Experience (latest first)
- Promoted to Associate Professor, 2009
- Placement in Selection grade scale of pay, 2006
- Placement in Senior scale of pay , 2001
- Joined as an Assistant Professor, 1995
Teaching responsibilities (current academic yeAr/semester only)
- Mentoring students to help them in a way that meets their personal best interest.
- Organising seminars and alloting Assignments to UG & PG students on philosophical as well as current relevant topics.
- Holding Group Discussions to boost the students' confidence and improve their thinking, listening and speaking skills.
- Conducting two sessional exams per semester for internal assessment of students.
Professional responsibilities
- Chairman, Board of Studies, Philosophy ( UG & PG)
- Visited North Lakhimpur college, Lakhimpur and Purvanchal college, Dhemaji in 2019 and Brahmaputra college , Dhokuwakhana in 2020 as a VC nominated member of DPC .
- Officer-in-charge, PG 3rd semester examination held in March 2021
- Paper setter & Evaluator
- Editor, peer reviewed research journal "Srotaswini" Vol.IV, ISSN2277-5277 (2017-2019)
- Secretary, JB college women cell (2015-2017)
- Co-ordinator, UGC sponsored National seminar on 'Changing role of Indian women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspectives' in September 2016.
- Editor , BEEKSHAN (Vol.IV & Vol.IX) Philosophical journal of JB College, ISSN 2250-0898,2015
Conference Proceedings
- A seminar paper titled 'Gender Discrimination: A Problem for Status of Women' published in seminar proceeding 'Changing role of Indian women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspectives' in 2017.
- A seminar paper titled- "Values and Changing Society " published in proceeding book 'Human Values and Its Impact on Society' ( ISBN-978-93-833308-30-9) in 2015
- A seminar paper titled-"Gandhi's Moral Philosophy and Its Relevance" published in proceeding book 'Gandhian Concepts :Interrogation And Exploration'.ISBN 978-93-81694-49-7 in 2012
Other publications ( journal/magazine)
- An article titled 'Degradation of Values and Its Impact on Society" published in philosophical journal BEEKSHAN, 2019(ISSN 2250-0898)
- An article titled "Humanism for a Better Future" published in JIJÑĀSA(Vol.V) ISBN: 978-81-935851-9-1 in 2018.
- An article titled "Self and its other- Descartes and Leibnitz" published in philosophical journal BEEKSHAN, 2015(ISSN 2250-0898)
Presentations/talks/lectures (latest first)
Invited talk/lectures
- Delivered lecture on the topic "God and His Existence" in Central College , Jorha
- Member of Institutional Human Ethics Committee(IHEC) of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR) , NEIST