Jibon Saikia, M.Sc., M.Phill., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Head of the Department


Jibon Saikia, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Head of the Department

Research Interest:
  • Quantum optics
  • Laser Physics
  • Squeezing of light
  1. J Saikia,R changmai and G D Baruah,Bioluminescence of fireflies and evaluation of ..., Indian Journal of pure and applied physics,Vol39.Dec,2001,pp.825-828
  2. J Saikia, R.K. Dubey and G D Baruah , Spatial Hole Burning Multiple Reflection and Squeezed State, Archives of Physics Research, 2011, 2 (2): 164-170
  3. J. Saikia, A Gohain Baruah and G D Baruah., A Model of Mode Locked Laser in the Generation of Ultra short Pulses of Firefly, Asian Journal of physics Vol 20. No1(2011), 63-686
  4. J Saikia , H. Saikia,R K Dubey & G D Baruah ,Dimensionless intensity in the semiclassical theory of Laser� ,Archives of physics research, Vol 2 No 4(2011),11-17.
  5. J. Saikia, J. Chetia,R. Changmai and G. D. Baruah ,Lasing without inversion in three level atoms and atomic coherence effects, Indian Journal of Energ,1(1),2012.
  6. H. Konwar & J Saikia, On The nature of vacuum fluctuations ��. Archives of physics research, Vol 3 No 3(2012), 232-238.
  7. A.Dastidar, J.Saikia,R.K.Dubey and G.D.Barua Quantum zeno effect in Bloembergens� three level maser, Scholarly Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 2(3) pp.38-42, March,2013
  8. Dulen Saikia,Pradip K. Gogoi Pallabi Phukan Nilave Bhuyan Sangeeta Borchetia and Jibon Saikia, Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Asiatic Pennywort and Bryophyllum level extract and their antimicrobial activity, Adv. Mater. Lett. 2015, 6(3), 260-264
Jagannath Barooah College (Autonomous)
Barpatra Ali, Jorhat-785001
Assam, India
Phone: +91 376 3510156
Email:  jbcollege@rediffmail.com
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