Course objectives and outcomes
This course emphasizes on foundations of electric magnetic phenomena using Maxwell’s equations and their propagations through various wave guides.
Students will be able to understand and solve Maxwell’s equations for simple configurations and have a working knowledge on wave guides.

Reference Books:

  • Introduction to Geometrical and Physical Optics - B. K. Mathur
  • Introduction to Electrodynamics, D.J. Griffiths, 3rd Ed., 1998, Benjamin Cummings.
  • Elements of Electromagnetics, M.N.O. Sadiku, 2001, Oxford University Press.
  • Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory, T.L. Chow, 2006, Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • Fundamentals of Electromagnetics, M.A.W. Miah, 1982, Tata McGraw Hill
  • Electromagnetic field Theory, R.S. Kshetrimayun, 2012, Cengage Learning
  • Engineering Electromagnetic, Willian H. Hayt, 8th Edition, 2012, McGraw Hill.
  • Electromagnetic Field Theory for Engineers & Physicists, G. Lehner, 2010, Springer

Additional Books for Reference

  • Electromagnetic Fields & Waves, P.Lorrain & D.Corson, 1970, W.H.Freeman & Co.
  • Electromagnetics, J.A. Edminster, Schaum Series, 2006, Tata McGraw Hill.
  • Electromagnetic field theory fundamentals, B. Guru and H. Hiziroglu, 2004, Cambridge University Press

Course objectives and outcomes
This course is designed to give a basic fundamentals of classical and quantum statistics, mathematical analysis as well as theoretical calculations that are applied in various classical and quantum systems such as ideal gas, photon gas, electron gas etc.
Students will be able to understand the mechanisms of phase transitions, linear response theory, kinetic equations etc. They will be able to apply statistical methods for simple non interacting systems.

Reference Books:

  • Statistical Mechanics, R.K. Pathria, Butterworth Heinemann: 2nd Ed., 1996, Oxford University Press.
  • Statistical Physics, Berkeley Physics Course, F. Reif, 2008, Tata McGraw-Hill
  • Statistical and Thermal Physics, S. Lokanathan and R.S. Gambhir. 1991, Prentice Hall
  • Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics, Francis W. Sears and Gerhard L. Salinger, 1986, Narosa.
  • Modern Thermodynamics with Statistical Mechanics, Carl S. Helrich, 2009, Springer
  • An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics, R.H. Swendsen, 2012, Oxford Univ. Press

Course objectives and outcomes
This course emphasizes on properties of nuclei, nuclear models, radioactive decays, nuclear reactions, detectors, particle accelerators and basic fundamentals of Standard model.
Students will be able to understand the importance of models in describing the properties of nuclei and nuclear collisions, familiar with many body systems, working principle of different particle detectors and accelerators used in high energy experiments.

Reference Books:

  • Introductory nuclear Physics by Kenneth S. Krane (Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2008).
  • Concepts of nuclear physics by Bernard L. Cohen. (Tata Mcgraw Hill, 1998).
  • Introduction to the physics of nuclei & particles, R.A. Dunlap. (Thomson Asia, 2004).
  • Introduction to High Energy Physics, D.H. Perkins, Cambridge Univ. Press
  • Introduction to Elementary Particles, D. Griffith, John Wiley & Sons
  • Quarks and Leptons, F. Halzen and A.D. Martin, Wiley India, New Delhi
  • Basic ideas and concepts in Nuclear Physics - An Introductory Approach by K. Heyde (IOP- Institute of Physics Publishing, 2004).
  • Radiation detection and measurement, G.F. Knoll (John Wiley & Sons, 2000).
  • Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection, Syed Naeem Ahmed (Academic Press, Elsevier, 2007).
  • Theoretical Nuclear Physics, J.M. Blatt & V.F.Weisskopf (Dover Pub.Inc., 1991)

Course objectives and outcomes
This course comprises of the mathematical methods such as variational principle, group theory and advanced probability theory that are used  to solve many problems in physics. Students will be able to apply those mathematical techniques to solve  various problems in   different branches of physics.

Reference Books:

  • Mathematical Methods for Physicists: Weber and Arfken, 2005, Academic Press.
  • Mathematical Methods for Physicists: A Concise Introduction: Tai L. Chow, 2000, Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Elements of Group Theory for Physicists by A. W. Joshi, 1997, John Wiley.
  • Group Theory and its Applications to Physical Problems by Morton Hamermesh, 1989, Dover
  • Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Methods & Concepts: Chun Wa Wong, 2012, Oxford University Press
  • Introduction to Mathematical Probability, J. V. Uspensky, 1937, Mc Graw-Hill.