Course objective: This course introduces students to the key debates on the meaning and nature of globalization by addressing its political, economic, social, cultural and technological dimensions. In keeping with the most important debates within the globalization discourse, it imparts an understanding of the working of the world economy, its anchors and resistances offered by global social movements while analyzing the changing nature of relationship between the state and trans-national actors and networks. The course also offers insights into key contemporary global issues such as the proliferation of nuclear weapons, ecological issues, international terrorism, and human security before concluding with a debate on the phenomenon of global governance.


·         G. Ritzer, (2010) Globalization: A Basic Text, Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 33- 62.

·         M. Strager, (2009) Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, London: Oxford University Press,pp. 1-16.

·         R. Keohane and J. Nye Jr, (2000) Globalization: Whats New? Whats Not? (And So What?),in Foreign Policy, No 118, pp. 104-119.

·         A. McGrew, (2011) Globalization and Global Politics, in J. Baylis, S. Smith   and

P. Owens(eds.) Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, New York:Oxford University Press, pp. 14-31.

·         A. Heywood, (2011) Global Politics, New York: Palgrave-McMillan, pp. 1-24.

·         W. Ellwood, (2005) The No-nonsense Guide to Globalization, Jaipur: NI-Rawat Publications,pp. 12-23.

·         R. Keohane, (2000) Sovereignty in International Society, in D. Held and A. McGrew (eds.)The Global Trans-Formations Reader, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp. 109-123.

·         K. Shimko, (2005) International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies, New York:Houghton Mifflin, pp. 195-219.

·         T. Cohn, (2009) Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice, pp. 130-140 (IMF), 208-218(WTO).

·         R. Picciotto, (2003) A New World Bank for a New Century, in C. Roe Goddard  et al.,International Political: State-Market Relations in a Changing Global Order, Boulder: LynneReinner, pp. 341-351.

·         A. Narlikar, (2005) The World Trade Organization: A Very Short Introduction,

New York:Oxford University Press, pp. 22-98.

·         J. Goldstein, (2006) International Relations, New Delhi: Pearson, pp. 392-405 (MNC).P. Hirst, G. Thompson and S. Bromley, (2009) Globalization in Question, Cambridge: PolityPress, pp. 68-100 (MNC).

·         G. Ritzer, (2010) Globalization: A Basic Text, Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 180- 190.

·         F. Lechner and J. Boli (ed.), (2004) The Globalization Reader, London: Blackwell, pp. 236-239(WTO).

·         D. Held et al, (1999) Global  Transformations: Politics, Economics and    Culture,

California:Stanford University Press, pp. 242-282 (MNC).

·         T. Cohn, (2009) Global Political Economy, New Delhi: Pearson, pp. 250-323 (MNC).

·         M. Steger, (2009) Globalization: A Contested Concept, in Globalization: A Very ShortIntroduction, London: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-16.

·         A. Appadurai, (2000) Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination,  in

PublicCulture, Vol. 12(1), pp. 1-19.

·         J. Beynon and D. Dunkerley, (eds.), (2012) Globalisation: The Reader,  New Delhi: RawatPublications, pp. 1-19.

·         A. Vanaik, (ed.), (2004) Globalization and South Asia: Multidimensional Perspectives, NewDelhi: Manohar Publications, pp. 171-191, 192-213, 301-317, 335-357.



·         G. Ritzer, (2010) Globalization: A Basic Text, Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 487- 504

·         R. OBrien et al., (2000) Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutionsand Global Social Movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-23.

·         J. Fisher, (1998) Non-Governments: NGOs and Political Development in the Third World,Connecticut: Kumarian Press, pp. 1- 37 (NGO).

·         G. Laxter and S. Halperin (eds.), (2003) Global Civil Society and Its Limits, New York:Palgrave, pp. 1-21.

·         N. Carter, (2007) The Politics of Environment: Ideas, Activism, Policy, Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, pp. 13-81.

·         P. Bidwai, (2011) Durban: Road to Nowhere, in Economic and Political   Weekly,

Vol.46, No.53, December, pp. 10-12.

·         K.Shimko, (2005) International Relations Perspectives and Controversies, New York:Hughton-Mifflin, pp. 317-339.

·         D. Howlett, (2011) Nuclear Proliferation, in J. Baylis, S. Smith and P. Owens (eds.)Globalization of World Politics, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 384-397.P. Viotti and M. Kauppi, (2007) International Relations and World Politics: Security, Economyand Identity, New Delhi: Pearson, pp. 238-272.

·         A. Vanaik, (2007) Masks of Empire, New Delhi: Tulika, pp. 103-128.

·         S. Castles, (2012) Global Migration, in B. Chimni and S. Mallavarapu (eds.) InternationalRelations: Perspectives For the Global South, New Delhi: Pearson, pp. 272-285.

·         A. Acharya, (2011) Human Security, in J. Baylis, S. Smith and P. Owens (eds.)

Globalizationof World Politics, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 480-493.

·         S. Tadjbakhsh and A. Chenoy, (2007) Human Security, London: Routledge, pp. 13-19; 123-127; 236-243.

·         A. Acharya, (2001) Human Security: East versus West, in International  Journal,

Vol. 56, no.3, pp. 442-460.

·         J. Rosenau, (1992) Governance, Order, and Change in World Politics, in J. Rosenau, and E.Czempiel (eds.) Governance without Government: Order and Change in World Politics,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-29.

·         A. Kumar and D. Messner (eds), (2010) Power Shifts and Global Governance: Challengesfrom South and North, London: Anthem Press.

·         P. Dicken, (2007) Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy, NewYork: The Guilford Press.

·         J. Close, (2001) The Global Shift: A quantum leap in human evolution, Available at, Accessed: 19.04.2013.

Objective: The paper seeks to provide an introduction to the interface between public policy and administration in India. The essence of public policy lies in its effectiveness in translating the governing philosophy into programs and policies and making it a part of the community living. It deals with issues of decentralization, financial management, citizens and administration and social welfare from a non-western perspective.


·         T. Dye, (1984) Understanding Public Policy, 5th Edition. U.S.A: Prentice Hall

·         R.B. Denhardt and J.V. Denhardt, (2009) Public Administration, New Delhi: Brooks/Cole

·         J. Anderson, (1975) Public Policy Making. New York: Thomas Nelson and sons Ltd.

·         M. Howlett, M. Ramesh, and A. Perl, (2009), Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policysubsystems, 3rd edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press

·         T. Dye, (2002) Understanding Public Policy, New Delhi: Pearson

·         Y. Dror, (1989) Public Policy Making Reexamined. Oxford: Transaction Publication

·         Satyajit Singh and Pradeep K. Sharma [eds.] Decentralisation: Institutions And Politics InRural India, OUP,2007

·         D. A. Rondinelli and S.Cheema, Decentralisation and Development, Beverly Hills: SagePublishers, 1983

·         N.G.Jayal, Democracy and The State: Welfare, Secular and Development in ContemporaryIndia, Oxford : Oxford University Press,1999

·         Bidyut Chakrabarty, Reinventing Public Administration: The Indian Experience, OrientLongman,2007

·         Noorjahan Bava, Development Policies and Administration in India, Delhi: Uppal Publishers,2001

·         Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba, The Civic Culture, Boston: Little Brown,  1965

·         M.P.Lester, Political Participation- How and Why do People Get Involved in Politics Chicago: McNally, 1965

·         Erik-Lane, J. (2005) Public Administration and Public Management: The Principal AgentPerspective. New York: Routledge

·         Henry, N.(1999) Public Administration and Public Affairs. New Jersey:Prentice Hall

·         Caiden,  N.(2004)  ‘  Public  Budgeting  Amidst  Uncertainity  and  Instability’, in

Shafritz, J.M. &

·         Hyde, A.C. (eds.) Classics of Public Administration. Belmont: Wadsworth

·         R. Putnam , Making Democracy Work , Princeton University Press, 1993

·         Jenkins, R. and Goetz, A.M. (1999) ‘Accounts and Accountability: Theoretical Implications ofthe Right to Information Movement in India’, in Third World Quarterly. June

·         Sharma, P.K. & Devasher, M. (2007) ‘Right to Information in India’ in Singh, S. and Sharma,P. (eds.) Decentralization: Institutions and Politics in Rural India. New Delhi: OxfordUniversity Press

·         Vasu Deva, E-Governance In India: A Reality, Commonwealth Publishers, 2005

·         World Development Report, World Bank, Oxford University Press, 1992.

·         M.J.Moon, The Evolution of Electronic Government Among Municipalities: Rheoteric orReality, American Society For Public Administration, Public Administration Review, Vol 62,Issue 4, July –August 2002

·         Pankaj Sharma, E-Governance: The New Age Governance, APH Publishers, 2004

·         Pippa Norris, Digital Divide: Civic Engagement, Information Poverty and the Internet inDemocratic Societies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

·         Stephan Goldsmith and William D. Eggers, Governing By Network: The New Shape of thePublic Sector, Brookings Institution [Washington], 2004



·         United Nation Development Programme, Reconceptualising Governance, New York, 1997

·         Mukhopadyay, A. (2005) ‘Social Audit’, in Seminar. No.551.

·         Jean Drèze and Amartya Sen, India, Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1995

·         J.Dreze and Amartya Sen, Indian Development: Selected Regional Perspectives, Oxford:Clareland Press, 1997

·         Reetika Khera- Rural Poverty And Public Distribution System, EPW, Vol- XLVIII, No.45-46, Nov,2013

·         Pradeep Chaturvedi [ed.], Women And Food Security: Role Of Panchayats, ConceptPublishers, 1997

·         National Food Security Mission:

·         Jugal Kishore, National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislations, CenturyPublications, 2005

·         K. Lee and Mills, The Economic Of Health In Developing Countries, Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 1983

·         K. Vijaya Kumar, Right to Education Act 2009: Its Implementation as to Social Developmentin India, Delhi: Akansha Publishers, 2012.

·         Marma Mukhopadhyay and Madhu Parhar(ed.) Education in India: Dynamics ofDevelopment, Delhi: Shipra Publications, 2007

·         Nalini Juneja, Primary Education for All in the City of Mumbai: The Challenge Set By LocalActors', International Institute For Educational Planning, UNESCO: Paris, 2001

·         Surendra Munshi and Biju Paul Abraham [eds.] Good Governance, Democratic Societies andGlobalisation, Sage Publishers, 2004

·         Basu Rumki (2015) Public Administration in India Mandates, Performance and FuturePerspectives, New Delhi, Sterling Publishers




Course objective: In this course students will be trained in the application of comparative methods to the study of politics. The course is comparative in both what we study and how we study. In the process the course aims to introduce undergraduate students to some of the range of issues, literature, and methods that cover comparative political.


·         M. Pennington, (2009) Theory, Institutional and Comparative Politics, in J. Bara andPennington. (eds.) Comparative Politics: Explaining Democratic System. Sage Publications,New Delhi, pp. 13-40.

·         M. Howard, (2009) Culture in Comparative Political Analysis, in M. Lichback and A.Zuckerman, pp. 134- S. (eds.) Comparative Political: Rationality, Culture, and Structure.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

·         B. Rosamond, (2005) Political Culture, in B. Axford, et al. Politics, London: Routledge, pp.57-81.

·         P. Hall, Taylor and C. Rosemary, (1996) Political Science and the Three NewInstitutionalism, Political Studies. XLIV, pp. 936-957.

·         L. Rakner, and R. Vicky, (2011) Institutional Perspectives, in P. Burnell, et .al. (eds.) Politicalin the Developing World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 53- 70.

·         A. Heywood, (2002) Representation, Electoral and Voting, in Politics. New York: Palgrave,pp. 223-245.

·         A.  Evans,  (2009)  Elections  Systems,  in  J.  Bara  and  M.  Pennington,   (eds.)

Comparativepolitics. New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 93-119.

·         R. Moser, and S. Ethan, (2004) Mixed Electoral Systems and Electoral System Effects:Controlled Comparison and Cross-national Analysis, in Electoral Studies. 23, pp. 575-599.

·         A. Cole, (2011) Comparative Political Parties: Systems and Organizations, in J. Ishiyama, andM. Breuning, (eds) 21st Century Political Science: A Reference Book. Los Angeles: SagePublications, pp. 150-158.

·         A. Heywood, (2002) Parties and Party System, in Politics. New York : Palgrave, pp. 247-268.

·         B. Criddle, (2003) Parties and Party System, in R. Axtmann, (ed.)  Understanding DemocraticPolitics: An Introduction. London: Sage Publications, pp. 134-142.

·         W. OConner, (1994) A Nation is a Nation, is a Sate, is a Ethnic Group, is a …’, in J.Hutchinson and A. Smith, (eds.) Nationalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 36-46.

·         K. Newton, and J. Deth, (2010) The Development of the Modern State , in Foundations ofComparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, pp. 13-33.

·         A. Heywood, (2002), The State, in Politics. New York: Palgrave, pp. 85-102



·         T. Landman, (2003) Transition to Democracy, in Issues and Methods of ComparativeMethods: An Introduction. London: Routledge, pp. 185-215.

·         K. Newton, and J. Deth, (2010) Democratic Change and Persistence, in Foundations ofComparative Politics: Democracies of the Modern World. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress, pp. 53-67.

·         J. Haynes, (1999) State and Society, in The Democratization. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 20-38;39-63.

·         B. Smith, (2003) Democratization in the Third World, in Understanding Third World Politics:Theories of Political Change and Development. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.250-274.

·         M. Burgess, (2006) Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge, pp.135-161.

·         R. Watts, (2008) Introduction, in Comparing Federal Systems. Montreal and Kingston:McGill Queens University Press, pp. 1-27

·         R. Saxena, (2011) Introduction, in Saxena, R (eds.) Varieties of Federal Governance: MajorContemporary Models. New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, pp. xii-x1.