Course Objectives: To impart basic knowledge of Parametric and Non Parametric techniques of Testing of Hypothesis


1.   Daniel, Wayne W., Bio-statistics: A Foundation for Analysis in the Health Sciences. John Wiley (2005).

2.  Goon, A.M., Gupta M.K. & Das Gupta, Fundamentals of statistics, Vol.-I & II(2005).

3.  Dass, M. N. &Giri, N. C.: Design and analysis of experiments. John Wiley.

4.   Dunn, O.J Basic Statistics: A primer for the Biomedical Sciences .(1964, 1977) byJ ohn Wiley.

5.  Bancroft, Holdon Introduction to Bio-Statistics (1962) P.B. Hoebar New York.

Goldstein, A Biostatistics-An introductory text (1971). The Mac million New York