Objective: The objective of the course is to know about various conservation strategies of wild life and its management


Caughley, G., and Sinclair, A.R.E. (1994). Wildlife Ecology and Management. Blackwell Science. Woodroffe R., Thirgood, S. and Rabinowitz, A. (2005). People and Wildlife, Conflict or Coexistence?
Cambridge University.
Bookhout, T.A. (1996). Research and Management techniques for Wildlife and Habitats, 5th edition. The Wildlife Society, Allen Press.
Sutherland, W.J. (2000). The Conservation Handbook: Research, Management and Policy. Blackwell Sciences
Hunter M.L., Gibbs, J.B. and Sterling, E.J. (2008). Problem-Solving in Conservation Biology and Wildlife Management: Exercises for Class, Field, and Laboratory. Blackwell Publishing.

Objective: The various types of behaviour or the responses to environment & stimuli of different organisms along with human being.

David McFarland, Animal Behaviour, Pitman Publishing Limited, London, UK.
Manning, A. and Dawkins, M. S, An Introduction to Animal Behaviour, Cambridge, University Press, UK. John Alcock, Animal Behaviour, Sinauer Associate Inc., USA.
Paul W. Sherman and John Alcock, Exploring Animal Behaviour, Sinauer Associate Inc., Massachusetts, USA.
Chronobiology Biological Timekeeping: Jay. C. Dunlap, Jennifer. J. Loros, Patricia J. De Coursey (ed).
2004, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers, Sunderland, MA, USA
Insect Clocks D.S. Saunders, C.G.H. Steel, X., Afopoulou (ed.) R.D. Lewis. (3rdEd) 2002 Barens and Noble Inc. New York, USA
The Clock that times us. 1982. Moore Ed et al.
Biological Rhythms: Vinod Kumar (2002) Narosa Publishing.

Course Objective: To provide basic concept about the present biodiversity and present genetic variance on the earth.


Ridley,M (2004) Evolution III Edition Blackwell publishing
Hall, B.K. and Hallgrimson, B (2008). Evolution IV Edition. Jones and Barlett Publishers. Campbell, N.A. and Reece J.B (2011). Biology. IX Edition. Pearson, Benjamin, Cummings. Douglas, J. Futuyma (1997). Evolutionary Biology. Sinauer Associates.
Snustad. S Principles of Genetics.
Pevsner, J (2009). Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. II Edition Wiley- Blackwell

Course objective: To provide knowledge about the gradual emergence of form and structure of embryo. The essence of embryonic development is change transition from one stage to another.

Gilbert, S. F. (2010). Developmental Biology, IX Edition, Sinauer Associates, Inc., Publishers, Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA
Balinsky B. I. and Fabian B. C. (1981). An Introduction to Embryology, V Edition, International Thompson Computer Press
Carlson, R. F. Patten's Foundations of Embryology
Kalthoff (2008). Analysis of Biological Development, II Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers Lewis Wolpert (2002). Principles of Development. II Edition, Oxford University Press