To understand the various application of metric on different spaces and application of complex analysis

Text Books:
1.    S. Kumaresan, Topology of Metric Spaces, 2nd Ed., Narosa Publishing House, 2011.
2.    G.F. Simmons, Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
3.    James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 8th Ed., McGraw –
Hill International Edition, 2009.

Reference Books:
1.    Satish Shirali and Harikishan L. Vasudeva, Metric Spaces, Springer Verlag, London, 2006.
2.    Joseph Bak and Donald J. Newman, Complex Analysis, 2nd Ed., Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., NewYork, 1997. Mathematics, Springer-Verlag,New York, Inc., NewYork, 1997.
3.    M.R. Spiegel, Theory and problem of Complex Variables, SI(metric) edition, Schaum’s Outline Series.

Objective: To understand the concept and application of Ring theory and Linear algebra on different fields.

Text Books:
1.    John B. Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Ed., Pearson, 2002.
2.    Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, 4th Ed., Narosa Publishing House, 1999.
3.    Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Thomson, 2007.
4.    S. Kumaresan, Linear Algebra- A Geometric Approach, Prentice Hall of India, 1999.
5.    Kenneth Hoffman, Ray Alden Kunze, Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed., Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1971.
6.    P. K. Saikia, Linear Algebra, Pearson Publication.
7.    Neel Mccoy, The Theory of Rings, MacMillan & Co LTD-1964.

Reference Books:
1.    M. Artin, Abstract Algebra, 2nd Ed., Pearson, 2011.
2.    Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel, Lawrence E. Spence, Linear Algebra, 4th Ed., Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
3.    S. Lang, Introduction to Linear Algebra, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2005.
4.    S.H. Friedberg, A.L. Insel and L.E. Spence, Linear Algebra, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
5.    S. Singh, Q. Zameeruddin, Modern Algebra, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

Objective: The students will be able to formulate and solve various practical models using Linear Programming techniques

Text Books:
1.    Linear Programming and Game Theory; Dipak Chatterjee, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd
2.    Linear Programming, R. K. Gupta, Krishna Publication House
Reference Books :
1.    Operations Research, S.D. Sharma, Kedarnath Ramnath Publications.U.P, IndiaS
2.    Linear Programming, G. Hadley, Narosa Publishing House.
3.    Operation Research – Theory and Application, J.K.Sharma, McMillan India Ltd. New Delhi.
4.    Linear programming and Theory of Game, P. M. Karak, New Central Book Agency(P) Ltd

Objective: The students will be able to learn various techniques of solving linear equations.

Text Books :
1.    W.S. Burnside and A.W. Panton, The Theory of Equations, Dublin University Press, 1954.
2.    C. C. MacDuffee, Theory of Equations, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1954.

Reference Books:
1.    J.V. Uspensky, The Theory of Equations, McGRAW-HILL Paperbacks:

Objective: The students will be able to formulate and solve various practical models using Mechanics.

Text Books :
1.    Statics; Dr Md Motiur Rahman, New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd 2007
2.    A Text Book on Dynamics; M. Ray & G.C. Sharma, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
3.    I.H. Shames and G. Krishna Mohan Rao, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics (4th Edition), Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education), Delhi, 2009.

Reference Books :
1.    Dynamic of a Particle and of Rigid Bodies; S.L. Loney, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
2.    An Elementary Treatise on Statics; S.L. Loney, Cambridge University Press.
3.    A Text Book on Statics; M. Ray. R.D. Manglik, G.C. Sharma, S. Chand and Company Ltd.
4.    Statics; P.N. Chatterji, A Rajhans Publication.
5.    Dynamics; A.R. Vasishtha, R.K. Gupta; Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt. Ltd.

Objective: The students will be able to formulate and solve various practical models using Linear Programming techniques

Text Books :
1.    T.J. Willmore, An Introduction to Differential Geometry, Dover Publications, 2012.
2.    B. O'Neill, Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd Ed., Academic Press, 2006.
3.    C.E. Weatherburn, Differential Geometry of Three Dimensions, Cambridge University Press2003.

Reference Books :
4.    D.J. Struik, Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry, Dover Publications, 1988.
5.    S. Lang, Fundamentals of Differential Geometry, Springer, 1999.
6.    B. Spain, Tensor Calculus: A Concise Course, Dover Publications, 2003.