Course Objectives:
This course aims to acquaint students with three most famous dramas of Sanskrit literature which represent three stages in growth of Sanskrit drama.
Suggested Books / Readings:
1. Svapnavāsavadattam: ed. by M.R. Kale, MLBD, Delhi
2. Abhijñānaśakuntalam: ed. by C.R. Devadhar, MLBD, Delhi.
3. Abhijñānaśakuntalam: ed. by M.R. Kale, MLBD, Delhi.
4. Mudrārākṣasam: ed. by Nirupan Vidyalamkara, Sahitya Bhandar, Mareth.
5. Mudrārākṣasam: ed. by Ramasankaram Tripathi, Varanasi.
6. Mudrārākṣasam, ed. by M.R. Kale, MLBD, Delhi.
7. Winternitz, M.: A History of Classical Sanskrit Literature, MLBD, Delhi
8. Sarma, Thaneswar: Sanskrit Sahityar Itivritta, Chandra Prakash, Panbazar, Guwahati
9. Goswami, Haramohan: Sanskrit Sahityar Buranji Book Land, Panbazar, Guwahati.
Course Objectives:
The study of Sāhityaśāstra (Sanskrit Poetics) embraces all poetic arts and includes concepts like alaṁkāra, rasa, rīti, vakrokti, dhvani, aucitya etc. The entire domain of Sanskrit poetics has flourished with the topics such as definition of poetry and divisions, functions of word and meaning, theory of rasa and alaṁkāra (figures of speech) and chandas (metre), etc. This develops capacity for creative writing and literary appreciation.
Recommended Books/Readings
1. Sāhityadarpaṇa, ed. by Durgaprasad Dwivedi, M. Lasmandas, New Delhi
2. Sāhityadarpaṇa, ed. by Bimala Kanta Mukhupadhyaya, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta.
3. Chandomanjari, ed. by Gurunath Bidyanidhi Bhattacharjee, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta
4. Chandomanjari, ed. by Dr. Naba K. Handique, Department of Assamese, Dibrugarh
5. Kāvyaprakāśa, ed. by Srinivas Shastri, Sahitya Bhandar, Meerut
6. Dwivedi, R.C.: The Poetic Light, Motilal Benarsidass, Delhi, 1967.
7. Kane P.V.: History of Sanskrit Poetics, Motilal Benarsidass, Delhi, 1971
8. Ray, Sharad Ranjan: Sāhityadarpaṇa of Viswanatha, (Ch I, VI & X) with Eng Exposition, Delhi.
9. Sastri, Viswanarayan: Sāhitya-darpana (Assamese) Saraighat Prakasan, Guwahati-21.
Course Objectives:
Social institutions and Indian Polity have been highlighted in Dharmaśāstra literature. The aim of this course is to make the students acquainted with various aspects of social institutions and Indian polity as propounded in the ancient Sanskrit texts such as Saṁhitās, Mahābhārata, Purāṇa, Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra and other works known as Nītiśāstra.
Recommended Books/Readings:
1. Arthaśāstra of Kautilya, ed. by R. P. Kangale, Delhi, Motilal Benarsidas, 1965
2. Atharvaveda Saṁhitā, trans. by R.T.H. Griffith, Banaras
3. Mahābhārata (7 Vol), Eng trans. by H. P. Śāstri, London
4. Rāmāyaṇa of Valmiki, Eng trans. & ed. by H.P. Śāstri, London
5. Ṛgveda Saṁhitā (6 Vols,) Eng trans. by H.H. Wilson, Bangalore Printing & Publishing, Bangalore, 1946
6. Viṣṇu Purāṇam, Hindi trans. by Munilal Gupta, Gorakhpur: Gītā Press, Samvat 2065
7. Yājñavalkyasmṛti with Mitaksara commentary – Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, 1967
8. Brihat Saṁhitā by Varahmihira, Hindi trans by Baladev Prasad Misra, Khemraj Srikrishnadas Prakashan, Mumbai
9. Satyagrahageeta by Pandita Ksamarao, Perish, 1932
10. Wilson, H.H.: The Vishnu Purāṇa, Punthi Pustak, Calcutta, 1972.
11. Olivelle, P (ed.): Manu’s Code of Law, Oxford University Press, USA
12. Kane P.V.: Dharma Śāstra ka Itihas by (1-4 Parts) trans by Arjun Choube Kashyap, Hindi Samiti, Lakhnow, 1966
13. Altekar, A.S.: State and Government in Ancient India, MLBD, Delhi.
14. Altekar, A.S.: The Position of Women in Hindu Civilization, Delhi, 1965.
15. Bhandarkar, D.R.: Some Aspects of Ancient Indian Hindu Polity, Benaras Hindu University
16. Saletore, B.A.: Ancient Indian Political Thought and Institutions, Allahabad.